May 6, 2019

2784 words 14 mins read

Paper Group ANR 430

Paper Group ANR 430

Network Structure Inference, A Survey: Motivations, Methods, and Applications. Strategies for Searching Video Content with Text Queries or Video Examples. Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures. Simultaneous Low-rank Component and Graph Estimation for High-dimensional Graph Signals: Application to Brain …

Network Structure Inference, A Survey: Motivations, Methods, and Applications

Title Network Structure Inference, A Survey: Motivations, Methods, and Applications
Authors Ivan Brugere, Brian Gallagher, Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf
Abstract Networks represent relationships between entities in many complex systems, spanning from online social interactions to biological cell development and brain connectivity. In many cases, relationships between entities are unambiguously known: are two users ‘friends’ in a social network? Do two researchers collaborate on a published paper? Do two road segments in a transportation system intersect? These are directly observable in the system in question. In most cases, relationship between nodes are not directly observable and must be inferred: does one gene regulate the expression of another? Do two animals who physically co-locate have a social bond? Who infected whom in a disease outbreak in a population? Existing approaches for inferring networks from data are found across many application domains and use specialized knowledge to infer and measure the quality of inferred network for a specific task or hypothesis. However, current research lacks a rigorous methodology which employs standard statistical validation on inferred models. In this survey, we examine (1) how network representations are constructed from underlying data, (2) the variety of questions and tasks on these representations over several domains, and (3) validation strategies for measuring the inferred network’s capability of answering questions on the system of interest.
Published 2016-10-03

Strategies for Searching Video Content with Text Queries or Video Examples

Title Strategies for Searching Video Content with Text Queries or Video Examples
Authors Shoou-I Yu, Yi Yang, Zhongwen Xu, Shicheng Xu, Deyu Meng, Zexi Mao, Zhigang Ma, Ming Lin, Xuanchong Li, Huan Li, Zhenzhong Lan, Lu Jiang, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Chuang Gan, Xingzhong Du, Xiaojun Chang
Abstract The large number of user-generated videos uploaded on to the Internet everyday has led to many commercial video search engines, which mainly rely on text metadata for search. However, metadata is often lacking for user-generated videos, thus these videos are unsearchable by current search engines. Therefore, content-based video retrieval (CBVR) tackles this metadata-scarcity problem by directly analyzing the visual and audio streams of each video. CBVR encompasses multiple research topics, including low-level feature design, feature fusion, semantic detector training and video search/reranking. We present novel strategies in these topics to enhance CBVR in both accuracy and speed under different query inputs, including pure textual queries and query by video examples. Our proposed strategies have been incorporated into our submission for the TRECVID 2014 Multimedia Event Detection evaluation, where our system outperformed other submissions in both text queries and video example queries, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approaches.
Tasks Video Retrieval
Published 2016-06-17

Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures

Title Ego-Surfing: Person Localization in First-Person Videos Using Ego-Motion Signatures
Authors Ryo Yonetani, Kris M. Kitani, Yoichi Sato
Abstract We envision a future time when wearable cameras are worn by the masses and recording first-person point-of-view videos of everyday life. While these cameras can enable new assistive technologies and novel research challenges, they also raise serious privacy concerns. For example, first-person videos passively recorded by wearable cameras will necessarily include anyone who comes into the view of a camera – with or without consent. Motivated by these benefits and risks, we developed a self-search technique tailored to first-person videos. The key observation of our work is that the egocentric head motion of a target person (ie, the self) is observed both in the point-of-view video of the target and observer. The motion correlation between the target person’s video and the observer’s video can then be used to identify instances of the self uniquely. We incorporate this feature into the proposed approach that computes the motion correlation over densely-sampled trajectories to search for a target individual in observer videos. Our approach significantly improves self-search performance over several well-known face detectors and recognizers. Furthermore, we show how our approach can enable several practical applications such as privacy filtering, target video retrieval, and social group clustering.
Tasks Video Retrieval
Published 2016-06-15

Simultaneous Low-rank Component and Graph Estimation for High-dimensional Graph Signals: Application to Brain Imaging

Title Simultaneous Low-rank Component and Graph Estimation for High-dimensional Graph Signals: Application to Brain Imaging
Authors Rui Liu, Hossein Nejati, Seyed Hamid Safavi, Ngai-Man Cheung
Abstract We propose an algorithm to uncover the intrinsic low-rank component of a high-dimensional, graph-smooth and grossly-corrupted dataset, under the situations that the underlying graph is unknown. Based on a model with a low-rank component plus a sparse perturbation, and an initial graph estimation, our proposed algorithm simultaneously learns the low-rank component and refines the graph. Our evaluations using synthetic and real brain imaging data in unsupervised and supervised classification tasks demonstrate encouraging performance.
Published 2016-09-26

The empirical size of trained neural networks

Title The empirical size of trained neural networks
Authors Kevin K. Chen, Anthony Gamst, Alden Walker
Abstract ReLU neural networks define piecewise linear functions of their inputs. However, initializing and training a neural network is very different from fitting a linear spline. In this paper, we expand empirically upon previous theoretical work to demonstrate features of trained neural networks. Standard network initialization and training produce networks vastly simpler than a naive parameter count would suggest and can impart odd features to the trained network. However, we also show the forced simplicity is beneficial and, indeed, critical for the wide success of these networks.
Published 2016-11-29

Robust and Scalable Column/Row Sampling from Corrupted Big Data

Title Robust and Scalable Column/Row Sampling from Corrupted Big Data
Authors Mostafa Rahmani, George Atia
Abstract Conventional sampling techniques fall short of drawing descriptive sketches of the data when the data is grossly corrupted as such corruptions break the low rank structure required for them to perform satisfactorily. In this paper, we present new sampling algorithms which can locate the informative columns in presence of severe data corruptions. In addition, we develop new scalable randomized designs of the proposed algorithms. The proposed approach is simultaneously robust to sparse corruption and outliers and substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art robust sampling algorithms as demonstrated by experiments conducted using both real and synthetic data.
Published 2016-11-18

Audio Visual Speech Recognition using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks

Title Audio Visual Speech Recognition using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks
Authors Abhinav Thanda, Shankar M Venkatesan
Abstract In this work, we propose a training algorithm for an audio-visual automatic speech recognition (AV-ASR) system using deep recurrent neural network (RNN).First, we train a deep RNN acoustic model with a Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) objective function. The frame labels obtained from the acoustic model are then used to perform a non-linear dimensionality reduction of the visual features using a deep bottleneck network. Audio and visual features are fused and used to train a fusion RNN. The use of bottleneck features for visual modality helps the model to converge properly during training. Our system is evaluated on GRID corpus. Our results show that presence of visual modality gives significant improvement in character error rate (CER) at various levels of noise even when the model is trained without noisy data. We also provide a comparison of two fusion methods: feature fusion and decision fusion.
Tasks Audio-Visual Speech Recognition, Dimensionality Reduction, Speech Recognition, Visual Speech Recognition
Published 2016-11-09

Input Switched Affine Networks: An RNN Architecture Designed for Interpretability

Title Input Switched Affine Networks: An RNN Architecture Designed for Interpretability
Authors Jakob N. Foerster, Justin Gilmer, Jan Chorowski, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, David Sussillo
Abstract There exist many problem domains where the interpretability of neural network models is essential for deployment. Here we introduce a recurrent architecture composed of input-switched affine transformations - in other words an RNN without any explicit nonlinearities, but with input-dependent recurrent weights. This simple form allows the RNN to be analyzed via straightforward linear methods: we can exactly characterize the linear contribution of each input to the model predictions; we can use a change-of-basis to disentangle input, output, and computational hidden unit subspaces; we can fully reverse-engineer the architecture’s solution to a simple task. Despite this ease of interpretation, the input switched affine network achieves reasonable performance on a text modeling tasks, and allows greater computational efficiency than networks with standard nonlinearities.
Published 2016-11-28

Correlation-based Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Vector Representations

Title Correlation-based Intrinsic Evaluation of Word Vector Representations
Authors Yulia Tsvetkov, Manaal Faruqui, Chris Dyer
Abstract We introduce QVEC-CCA–an intrinsic evaluation metric for word vector representations based on correlations of learned vectors with features extracted from linguistic resources. We show that QVEC-CCA scores are an effective proxy for a range of extrinsic semantic and syntactic tasks. We also show that the proposed evaluation obtains higher and more consistent correlations with downstream tasks, compared to existing approaches to intrinsic evaluation of word vectors that are based on word similarity.
Published 2016-06-21

Orthogonal Echo State Networks and stochastic evaluations of likelihoods

Title Orthogonal Echo State Networks and stochastic evaluations of likelihoods
Authors Norbert Michael Mayer, Ying-Hao Yu
Abstract We report about probabilistic likelihood estimates that are performed on time series using an echo state network with orthogonal recurrent connectivity. The results from tests using synthetic stochastic input time series with temporal inference indicate that the capability of the network to infer depends on the balance between input strength and recurrent activity. This balance has an influence on the network with regard to the quality of inference from the short term input history versus inference that accounts for influences that date back a long time. Sensitivity of such networks against noise and the finite accuracy of network states in the recurrent layer are investigated. In addition, a measure based on mutual information between the output time series and the reservoir is introduced. Finally, different types of recurrent connectivity are evaluated. Orthogonal matrices show the best results of all investigated connectivity types overall, but also in the way how the network performance scales with the size of the recurrent layer.
Tasks Time Series
Published 2016-01-22

A Survey on Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images

Title A Survey on Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images
Authors Gong Cheng, Junwei Han
Abstract Object detection in optical remote sensing images, being a fundamental but challenging problem in the field of aerial and satellite image analysis, plays an important role for a wide range of applications and is receiving significant attention in recent years. While enormous methods exist, a deep review of the literature concerning generic object detection is still lacking. This paper aims to provide a review of the recent progress in this field. Different from several previously published surveys that focus on a specific object class such as building and road, we concentrate on more generic object categories including, but are not limited to, road, building, tree, vehicle, ship, airport, urban-area. Covering about 270 publications we survey 1) template matching-based object detection methods, 2) knowledge-based object detection methods, 3) object-based image analysis (OBIA)-based object detection methods, 4) machine learning-based object detection methods, and 5) five publicly available datasets and three standard evaluation metrics. We also discuss the challenges of current studies and propose two promising research directions, namely deep learning-based feature representation and weakly supervised learning-based geospatial object detection. It is our hope that this survey will be beneficial for the researchers to have better understanding of this research field.
Tasks Object Detection
Published 2016-03-20

Variational reaction-diffusion systems for semantic segmentation

Title Variational reaction-diffusion systems for semantic segmentation
Authors Paul Vernaza
Abstract A novel global energy model for multi-class semantic image segmentation is proposed that admits very efficient exact inference and derivative calculations for learning. Inference in this model is equivalent to MAP inference in a particular kind of vector-valued Gaussian Markov random field, and ultimately reduces to solving a linear system of linear PDEs known as a reaction-diffusion system. Solving this system can be achieved in time scaling near-linearly in the number of image pixels by reducing it to sequential FFTs, after a linear change of basis. The efficiency and differentiability of the model make it especially well-suited for integration with convolutional neural networks, even allowing it to be used in interior, feature-generating layers and stacked multiple times. Experimental results are shown demonstrating that the model can be employed profitably in conjunction with different convolutional net architectures, and that doing so compares favorably to joint training of a fully-connected CRF with a convolutional net.
Tasks Semantic Segmentation
Published 2016-04-01

A Strongly Quasiconvex PAC-Bayesian Bound

Title A Strongly Quasiconvex PAC-Bayesian Bound
Authors Niklas Thiemann, Christian Igel, Olivier Wintenberger, Yevgeny Seldin
Abstract We propose a new PAC-Bayesian bound and a way of constructing a hypothesis space, so that the bound is convex in the posterior distribution and also convex in a trade-off parameter between empirical performance of the posterior distribution and its complexity. The complexity is measured by the Kullback-Leibler divergence to a prior. We derive an alternating procedure for minimizing the bound. We show that the bound can be rewritten as a one-dimensional function of the trade-off parameter and provide sufficient conditions under which the function has a single global minimum. When the conditions are satisfied the alternating minimization is guaranteed to converge to the global minimum of the bound. We provide experimental results demonstrating that rigorous minimization of the bound is competitive with cross-validation in tuning the trade-off between complexity and empirical performance. In all our experiments the trade-off turned to be quasiconvex even when the sufficient conditions were violated.
Published 2016-08-19

Formulating Semantics of Probabilistic Argumentation by Characterizing Subgraphs: Theory and Empirical Results

Title Formulating Semantics of Probabilistic Argumentation by Characterizing Subgraphs: Theory and Empirical Results
Authors Beishui Liao, Kang Xu, Huaxin Huang
Abstract In existing literature, while approximate approaches based on Monte-Carlo simulation technique have been proposed to compute the semantics of probabilistic argumentation, how to improve the efficiency of computation without using simulation technique is still an open problem. In this paper, we address this problem from the following two perspectives. First, conceptually, we define specific properties to characterize the subgraphs of a PrAG with respect to a given extension, such that the probability of a set of arguments E being an extension can be defined in terms of these properties, without (or with less) construction of subgraphs. Second, computationally, we take preferred semantics as an example, and develop algorithms to evaluate the efficiency of our approach. The results show that our approach not only dramatically decreases the time for computing p(E^\sigma), but also has an attractive property, which is contrary to that of existing approaches: the denser the edges of a PrAG are or the bigger the size of a given extension E is, the more efficient our approach computes p(E^\sigma). Meanwhile, it is shown that under complete and preferred semantics, the problems of determining p(E^\sigma) are fixed-parameter tractable.
Published 2016-08-01

Generic 3D Convolutional Fusion for image restoration

Title Generic 3D Convolutional Fusion for image restoration
Authors Jiqing Wu, Radu Timofte, Luc Van Gool
Abstract Also recently, exciting strides forward have been made in the area of image restoration, particularly for image denoising and single image super-resolution. Deep learning techniques contributed to this significantly. The top methods differ in their formulations and assumptions, so even if their average performance may be similar, some work better on certain image types and image regions than others. This complementarity motivated us to propose a novel 3D convolutional fusion (3DCF) method. Unlike other methods adapted to different tasks, our method uses the exact same convolutional network architecture to address both image denois- ing and single image super-resolution. As a result, our 3DCF method achieves substantial improvements (0.1dB-0.4dB PSNR) over the state-of-the-art methods that it fuses, and this on standard benchmarks for both tasks. At the same time, the method still is computationally efficient.
Tasks Denoising, Image Denoising, Image Restoration, Image Super-Resolution, Super-Resolution
Published 2016-07-26
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