July 26, 2019

2819 words 14 mins read

Paper Group NAWR 8

Paper Group NAWR 8

Non-Uniform Subset Selection for Active Learning in Structured Data. A Neural Local Coherence Model. L2-Net: Deep Learning of Discriminative Patch Descriptor in Euclidean Space. Powered Outer Probabilistic Clustering. State-Frequency Memory Recurrent Neural Networks. Deep Gaussian Process for Crop Yield Prediction Based on Remote Sensing Data. Impr …

Non-Uniform Subset Selection for Active Learning in Structured Data

Title Non-Uniform Subset Selection for Active Learning in Structured Data
Authors Sujoy Paul, Jawadul H. Bappy, Amit Roy-Chowdhury
Abstract Several works have shown that relationships between data points (i.e., context) in structured data can be exploited to obtain better recognition performance. In this paper, we explore a different, but related, problem: how can these interrelationships be used to efficiently learn and continuously update a recognition model, with minimal human labeling effort. Towards this goal, we propose an active learning framework to select an optimal subset of data points for manual labeling by exploiting the relationships between them. We construct a graph from the unlabeled data to represent the underlying structure, such that each node represents a data point, and edges represent the inter-relationships between them. Thereafter, considering the flow of beliefs in this graph, we choose those samples for labeling which minimize the joint entropy of the nodes of the graph. This results in significant reduction in manual labeling effort without compromising recognition performance. Our method chooses non-uniform number of samples from each batch of streaming data depending on its information content. Also, the submodular property of our objective function makes it computationally efficient to optimize. The proposed framework is demonstrated in various applications, including document analysis, scene-object recognition, and activity recognition.
Tasks Active Learning, Activity Recognition, Object Recognition
Published 2017-06-01
URL https://intra.ece.ucr.edu/~supaul/Webpage_files/CVPR2017_1.pdf
PDF https://intra.ece.ucr.edu/~supaul/Webpage_files/CVPR2017_1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/non-uniform-subset-selection-for-active-1
Repo https://github.com/sujoyp/context-active-learning
Framework none

A Neural Local Coherence Model

Title A Neural Local Coherence Model
Authors Dat Tien Nguyen, Shafiq Joty
Abstract We propose a local coherence model based on a convolutional neural network that operates over the entity grid representation of a text. The model captures long range entity transitions along with entity-specific features without loosing generalization, thanks to the power of distributed representation. We present a pairwise ranking method to train the model in an end-to-end fashion on a task and learn task-specific high level features. Our evaluation on three different coherence assessment tasks demonstrates that our model achieves state of the art results outperforming existing models by a good margin.
Tasks Text Generation
Published 2017-07-01
URL https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-1121/
PDF https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-1121
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/a-neural-local-coherence-model
Repo https://github.com/datienguyen/cnn_coherence
Framework none

L2-Net: Deep Learning of Discriminative Patch Descriptor in Euclidean Space

Title L2-Net: Deep Learning of Discriminative Patch Descriptor in Euclidean Space
Authors Yurun Tian, Bin Fan, Fuchao Wu
Abstract The research focus of designing local patch descriptors has gradually shifted from handcrafted ones (e.g., SIFT) to learned ones. In this paper, we propose to learn high per- formance descriptor in Euclidean space via the Convolu- tional Neural Network (CNN). Our method is distinctive in four aspects: (i) We propose a progressive sampling strat- egy which enables the network to access billions of train- ing samples in a few epochs. (ii) Derived from the ba- sic concept of local patch matching problem, we empha- size the relative distance between descriptors. (iii) Extra supervision is imposed on the intermediate feature maps. (iv) Compactness of the descriptor is taken into account. The proposed network is named as L2-Net since the out- put descriptor can be matched in Euclidean space by L2 distance. L2-Net achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Brown datasets [16], Oxford dataset [18] and the new- ly proposed Hpatches dataset [11]. The good generaliza- tion ability shown by experiments indicates that L2-Net can serve as a direct substitution of the existing handcrafted de- scriptors. The pre-trained L2-Net is publicly available.
Published 2017-07-01
URL http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Tian_L2-Net_Deep_Learning_CVPR_2017_paper.html
PDF http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Tian_L2-Net_Deep_Learning_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/l2-net-deep-learning-of-discriminative-patch
Repo https://github.com/yuruntian/L2-Net
Framework none

Powered Outer Probabilistic Clustering

Title Powered Outer Probabilistic Clustering
Authors Peter Taraba
Abstract Clustering is one of the most important concepts for unsupervised learning in machine learning. While there are numerous clustering algorithms already, many, including the popular one — k-means algorithm, require the number of clusters to be specified in advance, a huge drawback. Some studies use the silhouette coefficient to determine the optimal number of clusters. In this study, we introduce a novel algorithm called Powered Outer Probabilistic Clustering, show how it works through back-propagation (starting with many clusters and ending with an optimal number of clusters), and show that the algorithm converges to the expected (optimal) number of clusters on theoretical examples.
Published 2017-10-25
URL http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCECS2017/WCECS2017_pp394-398.pdf
PDF http://www.iaeng.org/publication/WCECS2017/WCECS2017_pp394-398.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/powered-outer-probabilistic-clustering
Repo https://github.com/pepe78/POPC-examples
Framework none

State-Frequency Memory Recurrent Neural Networks

Title State-Frequency Memory Recurrent Neural Networks
Authors Hao Hu, Guo-Jun Qi
Abstract Modeling temporal sequences plays a fundamental role in various modern applications and has drawn more and more attentions in the machine learning community. Among those efforts on improving the capability to represent temporal data, the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) has achieved great success in many areas. Although the LSTM can capture long-range dependency in the time domain, it does not explicitly model the pattern occurrences in the frequency domain that plays an important role in tracking and predicting data points over various time cycles. We propose the State-Frequency Memory (SFM), a novel recurrent architecture that allows to separate dynamic patterns across different frequency components and their impacts on modeling the temporal contexts of input sequences. By jointly decomposing memorized dynamics into state-frequency components, the SFM is able to offer a fine-grained analysis of temporal sequences by capturing the dependency of uncovered patterns in both time and frequency domains. Evaluations on several temporal modeling tasks demonstrate the SFM can yield competitive performances, in particular as compared with the state-of-the-art LSTM models.
Published 2017-08-01
URL https://icml.cc/Conferences/2017/Schedule?showEvent=515
PDF http://proceedings.mlr.press/v70/hu17c/hu17c.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/state-frequency-memory-recurrent-neural
Repo https://github.com/dlarsen5/AdaptiveSFM
Framework tf

Deep Gaussian Process for Crop Yield Prediction Based on Remote Sensing Data

Title Deep Gaussian Process for Crop Yield Prediction Based on Remote Sensing Data
Authors Jiaxuan You, Xiaocheng Li, Melvin Low, David Lobell, Stefano Ermon
Abstract Agricultural monitoring, especially in developing countries, can help prevent famine and support humanitarian efforts. A central challenge is yield estimation, i.e., predicting crop yields before harvest. We introduce a scalable, accurate, and inexpensive method to predict crop yields using publicly available remote sensing data. Our approach improves existing techniques in three ways. First, we forego hand-crafted features traditionally used in the remote sensing community and propose an approach based on modern representation learning ideas. We also introduce a novel dimensionality reduction technique that allows us to train a Convolutional Neural Network or Long-short Term Memory network and automatically learn useful features even when labeled training data are scarce. Finally, we incorporate a Gaussian Process component to explicitly model the spatio-temporal structure of the data and further improve accuracy. We evaluate our approach on county-level soybean yield prediction in the U.S. and show that it outperforms competing techniques.
Tasks Dimensionality Reduction, Representation Learning
Published 2017-02-12
URL https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI17/paper/view/14435
PDF https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/AAAI/AAAI17/paper/viewFile/14435/14067
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/deep-gaussian-process-for-crop-yield
Repo https://github.com/JiaxuanYou/crop_yield_prediction
Framework tf

Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes

Title Improved Word Representation Learning with Sememes
Authors Yilin Niu, Ruobing Xie, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun
Abstract Sememes are minimum semantic units of word meanings, and the meaning of each word sense is typically composed by several sememes. Since sememes are not explicit for each word, people manually annotate word sememes and form linguistic common-sense knowledge bases. In this paper, we present that, word sememe information can improve word representation learning (WRL), which maps words into a low-dimensional semantic space and serves as a fundamental step for many NLP tasks. The key idea is to utilize word sememes to capture exact meanings of a word within specific contexts accurately. More specifically, we follow the framework of Skip-gram and present three sememe-encoded models to learn representations of sememes, senses and words, where we apply the attention scheme to detect word senses in various contexts. We conduct experiments on two tasks including word similarity and word analogy, and our models significantly outperform baselines. The results indicate that WRL can benefit from sememes via the attention scheme, and also confirm our models being capable of correctly modeling sememe information.
Tasks Common Sense Reasoning, Language Modelling, Machine Translation, Representation Learning, Sentiment Analysis, Word Embeddings, Word Sense Disambiguation, Word Sense Induction
Published 2017-07-01
URL https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-1187/
PDF https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-1187
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/improved-word-representation-learning-with
Repo https://github.com/thunlp/SE-WRL
Framework none

3D Point Cloud Registration for Localization Using a Deep Neural Network Auto-Encoder

Title 3D Point Cloud Registration for Localization Using a Deep Neural Network Auto-Encoder
Authors Gil Elbaz, Tamar Avraham, Anath Fischer
Abstract We present an algorithm for registration between a large-scale point cloud and a close-proximity scanned point cloud, providing a localization solution that is fully independent of prior information about the initial positions of the two point cloud coordinate systems. The algorithm, denoted LORAX, selects super-points–local subsets of points–and describes the geometric structure of each with a low-dimensional descriptor. These descriptors are then used to infer potential matching regions for an efficient coarse registration process, followed by a fine-tuning stage. The set of super-points is selected by covering the point clouds with overlapping spheres, and then filtering out those of low-quality or nonsalient regions. The descriptors are computed using state-of-the-art unsupervised machine learning, utilizing the technology of deep neural network based auto-encoders. Abstract This novel framework provides a strong alternative to the common practice of using manually designed key-point descriptors for coarse point cloud registration. Utilizing super-points instead of key-points allows the available geometrical data to be better exploited to find the correct transformation. Encoding local 3D geometric structures using a deep neural network auto-encoder instead of traditional descriptors continues the trend seen in other computer vision applications and indeed leads to superior results. The algorithm is tested on challenging point cloud registration datasets, and its advantages over previous approaches as well as its robustness to density changes, noise, and missing data are shown.
Tasks Point Cloud Registration
Published 2017-07-01
URL http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Elbaz_3D_Point_Cloud_CVPR_2017_paper.html
PDF http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Elbaz_3D_Point_Cloud_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/3d-point-cloud-registration-for-localization
Repo https://github.com/gilbaz/LORAX
Framework none

A phoneme clustering algorithm based on the obligatory contour principle

Title A phoneme clustering algorithm based on the obligatory contour principle
Authors Mans Hulden
Abstract This paper explores a divisive hierarchical clustering algorithm based on the well-known Obligatory Contour Principle in phonology. The purpose is twofold: to see if such an algorithm could be used for unsupervised classification of phonemes or graphemes in corpora, and to investigate whether this purported universal constraint really holds for several classes of phonological distinctive features. The algorithm achieves very high accuracies in an unsupervised setting of inferring a consonant-vowel distinction, and also has a strong tendency to detect coronal phonemes in an unsupervised fashion. Remaining classes, however, do not correspond as neatly to phonological distinctive feature splits. While the results offer only mixed support for a universal Obligatory Contour Principle, the algorithm can be very useful for many NLP tasks due to the high accuracy in revealing consonant/vowel/coronal distinctions.
Published 2017-08-01
URL https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K17-1030/
PDF https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K17-1030
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/a-phoneme-clustering-algorithm-based-on-the
Repo https://github.com/cvocp/cvocp
Framework none

Robust Visual Tracking Using Oblique Random Forests

Title Robust Visual Tracking Using Oblique Random Forests
Authors Le Zhang, Jagannadan Varadarajan, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Narendra Ahuja, Pierre Moulin
Abstract Random forest has emerged as a powerful classification technique with promising results in various vision tasks including image classification, pose estimation and object detection. However, current techniques have shown little improvements in visual tracking as they mostly rely on piece wise orthogonal hyperplanes to create decision nodes and lack a robust incremental learning mechanism that is much needed for online tracking. In this paper, we propose a discriminative tracker based on a novel incremental oblique random forest. Unlike conventional orthogonal decision trees that use a single feature and heuristic measures to obtain a split at each node, we propose to use a more powerful proximal SVM to obtain oblique hyperplanes to capture the geometric structure of the data better. The resulting decision surface is not restricted to be axis aligned and hence has the ability to represent and classify the input data better. Furthermore, in order to generalize to online tracking scenarios, we derive incremental update steps that enable the hyperplanes in each node to be updated recursively, efficiently and in a closed-form fashion. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method using two large scale benchmark datasets (OTB-51 and OTB-100) and show that our method gives competitive results on several challenging cases by relying on simple HOG features as well as in combination with more sophisticated deep neural network based models. The implementations of the proposed random forest are available at https://github.com/ZhangLeUestc/ Incremental-Oblique-Random-Forest.
Tasks Image Classification, Object Detection, Pose Estimation, Visual Tracking
Published 2017-07-01
URL http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Zhang_Robust_Visual_Tracking_CVPR_2017_paper.html
PDF http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Zhang_Robust_Visual_Tracking_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/robust-visual-tracking-using-oblique-random
Repo https://github.com/ZhangLeUestc/Incremental-Oblique-Random-Forest
Framework none

Bayesian GAN

Title Bayesian GAN
Authors Yunus Saatci, Andrew G. Wilson
Abstract Generative adversarial networks (GANs) can implicitly learn rich distributions over images, audio, and data which are hard to model with an explicit likelihood. We present a practical Bayesian formulation for unsupervised and semi-supervised learning with GANs. Within this framework, we use stochastic gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to marginalize the weights of the generator and discriminator networks. The resulting approach is straightforward and obtains good performance without any standard interventions such as feature matching or mini-batch discrimination. By exploring an expressive posterior over the parameters of the generator, the Bayesian GAN avoids mode-collapse, produces interpretable and diverse candidate samples, and provides state-of-the-art quantitative results for semi-supervised learning on benchmarks including SVHN, CelebA, and CIFAR-10, outperforming DCGAN, Wasserstein GANs, and DCGAN ensembles.
Published 2017-12-01
URL http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6953-bayesian-gan
PDF http://papers.nips.cc/paper/6953-bayesian-gan.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/bayesian-gan-1
Repo https://github.com/andrewgordonwilson/bayesgan
Framework tf

Predicting Salient Face in Multiple-Face Videos

Title Predicting Salient Face in Multiple-Face Videos
Authors Yufan Liu, Songyang Zhang, Mai Xu, Xuming He
Abstract Although the recent success of convolutional neural network (CNN) advances state-of-the-art saliency prediction in static images, few work has addressed the problem of predicting attention in videos. On the other hand, we find that the attention of different subjects consistently focuses on a single face in each frame of videos involving multiple faces. Therefore, we propose in this paper a novel deep learning (DL) based method to predict salient face in multiple-face videos, which is capable of learning features and transition of salient faces across video frames. In particular, we first learn a CNN for each frame to locate salient face. Taking CNN features as input, we develop a multiple-stream long short-term memory (M-LSTM) network to predict the temporal transition of salient faces in video sequences. To evaluate our DL-based method, we build a new eye-tracking database of multiple-face videos. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the prior state-of-the-art methods in predicting visual attention on faces in multiple-face videos.
Tasks Eye Tracking, Saliency Prediction
Published 2017-07-01
URL http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Liu_Predicting_Salient_Face_CVPR_2017_paper.html
PDF http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Liu_Predicting_Salient_Face_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/predicting-salient-face-in-multiple-face
Repo https://github.com/yufanLIU/salient-face-in-MUVFET
Framework tf

Learning What is Essential in Questions

Title Learning What is Essential in Questions
Authors Daniel Khashabi, Tushar Khot, Ashish Sabharwal, Dan Roth
Abstract Question answering (QA) systems are easily distracted by irrelevant or redundant words in questions, especially when faced with long or multi-sentence questions in difficult domains. This paper introduces and studies the notion of essential question terms with the goal of improving such QA solvers. We illustrate the importance of essential question terms by showing that humans{'} ability to answer questions drops significantly when essential terms are eliminated from questions.We then develop a classifier that reliably (90{%} mean average precision) identifies and ranks essential terms in questions. Finally, we use the classifier to demonstrate that the notion of question term essentiality allows state-of-the-art QA solver for elementary-level science questions to make better and more informed decisions,improving performance by up to 5{%}.We also introduce a new dataset of over 2,200 crowd-sourced essential terms annotated science questions.
Tasks Information Retrieval, Question Answering, Semantic Parsing
Published 2017-08-01
URL https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K17-1010/
PDF https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/K17-1010
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/learning-what-is-essential-in-questions
Repo https://github.com/allenai/essential-terms
Framework none

GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-Robust Feature Correspondence

Title GMS: Grid-based Motion Statistics for Fast, Ultra-Robust Feature Correspondence
Authors JiaWang Bian, Wen-Yan Lin, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Sai-Kit Yeung, Tan-Dat Nguyen, Ming-Ming Cheng
Abstract Incorporating smoothness constraints into feature matching is known to enable ultra-robust matching. However, such formulations are both complex and slow, making them unsuitable for video applications. This paper proposes GMS (Grid-based Motion Statistics), a simple means of encapsulating motion smoothness as the statistical likelihood of a certain number of matches in a region. GMS enables translation of high match numbers into high match quality. This provides a real-time, ultra-robust correspondence system. Evaluation on videos, with low textures, blurs and wide-baselines show GMS consistently out-performs other real-time matchers and can achieve parity with more sophisticated, much slower techniques.
Published 2017-07-01
URL http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/html/Bian_GMS_Grid-based_Motion_CVPR_2017_paper.html
PDF http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2017/papers/Bian_GMS_Grid-based_Motion_CVPR_2017_paper.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/gms-grid-based-motion-statistics-for-fast
Repo https://github.com/JiawangBian/GMS-Feature-Matcher
Framework none

Representation Learning for Answer Selection with LSTM-Based Importance Weighting

Title Representation Learning for Answer Selection with LSTM-Based Importance Weighting
Authors Andreas R{"u}ckl{'e}, Iryna Gurevych
Tasks Answer Selection, Community Question Answering, Question Answering, Representation Learning
Published 2017-01-01
URL https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-6935/
PDF https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W17-6935
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/representation-learning-for-answer-selection
Repo https://github.com/UKPLab/iwcs2017-answer-selection
Framework tf
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