January 29, 2020

2751 words 13 mins read

Paper Group ANR 683

Paper Group ANR 683

Q-Search Trees: An Information-Theoretic Approach Towards Hierarchical Abstractions for Agents with Computational Limitations. Generative Continual Concept Learning. Development of a Robotic System for Automatic Wheel Removal and Fitting. Continual Learning of New Sound Classes using Generative Replay. Can Neural Networks Learn Symbolic Rewriting?. …

Q-Search Trees: An Information-Theoretic Approach Towards Hierarchical Abstractions for Agents with Computational Limitations

Title Q-Search Trees: An Information-Theoretic Approach Towards Hierarchical Abstractions for Agents with Computational Limitations
Authors Daniel T. Larsson, Dipankar Maity, Panagiotis Tsiotras
Abstract In this paper, we develop a framework to obtain graph abstractions for decision-making by an agent where the abstractions emerge as a function of the agent’s limited computational resources. We discuss the connection of the proposed approach with information-theoretic signal compression, and formulate a novel optimization problem to obtain tree-based abstractions as a function of the agent’s computational resources. The structural properties of the new problem are discussed in detail, and two algorithmic approaches are proposed to obtain solutions to this optimization problem. We discuss the quality of, and prove relationships between, solutions obtained by the two proposed algorithms. The framework is demonstrated to generate a hierarchy of abstractions for a non-trivial environment.
Tasks Decision Making
Published 2019-09-30
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.00063v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.00063v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/q-search-trees-an-information-theoretic

Generative Continual Concept Learning

Title Generative Continual Concept Learning
Authors Mohammad Rostami, Soheil Kolouri, James McClelland, Praveen Pilly
Abstract After learning a concept, humans are also able to continually generalize their learned concepts to new domains by observing only a few labeled instances without any interference with the past learned knowledge. In contrast, learning concepts efficiently in a continual learning setting remains an open challenge for current Artificial Intelligence algorithms as persistent model retraining is necessary. Inspired by the Parallel Distributed Processing learning and the Complementary Learning Systems theories, we develop a computational model that is able to expand its previously learned concepts efficiently to new domains using a few labeled samples. We couple the new form of a concept to its past learned forms in an embedding space for effective continual learning. Doing so, a generative distribution is learned such that it is shared across the tasks in the embedding space and models the abstract concepts. This procedure enables the model to generate pseudo-data points to replay the past experience to tackle catastrophic forgetting.
Tasks Continual Learning
Published 2019-06-10
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.03744v2
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.03744v2.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/generative-continual-concept-learning

Development of a Robotic System for Automatic Wheel Removal and Fitting

Title Development of a Robotic System for Automatic Wheel Removal and Fitting
Authors Gideon Gbenga Oladipupo
Abstract This paper discusses the image processing and computer vision algorithms for real time detection and tracking of a sample wheel of a vehicle. During the manual tyre changing process, spinal and other muscular injuries are common and even more serious injuries have been recorded when occasionally, tyres fail (burst) during this process. It, therefore, follows that the introduction of a robotic system to take over this process would be a welcome development. This work discusses various useful applicable algorithms, Circular Hough Transform (CHT) as well as Continuously adaptive mean shift (Camshift) and provides some of the software solutions which can be deployed with a robotic mechanical arm to make the task of tyre changing faster, safer and more efficient. Image acquisition and software to accurately detect and classify specific objects of interest were implemented successfully, outcomes were discussed and areas for further studies suggested.
Published 2019-08-19
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.09009v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.09009v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/development-of-a-robotic-system-for-automatic

Continual Learning of New Sound Classes using Generative Replay

Title Continual Learning of New Sound Classes using Generative Replay
Authors Zhepei Wang, Cem Subakan, Efthymios Tzinis, Paris Smaragdis, Laurent Charlin
Abstract Continual learning consists in incrementally training a model on a sequence of datasets and testing on the union of all datasets. In this paper, we examine continual learning for the problem of sound classification, in which we wish to refine already trained models to learn new sound classes. In practice one does not want to maintain all past training data and retrain from scratch, but naively updating a model with new data(sets) results in a degradation of already learned tasks, which is referred to as “catastrophic forgetting.” We develop a generative replay procedure for generating training audio spectrogram data, in place of keeping older training datasets. We show that by incrementally refining a classifier with generative replay a generator that is 4% of the size of all previous training data matches the performance of refining the classifier keeping 20% of all previous training data. We thus conclude that we can extend a trained sound classifier to learn new classes without having to keep previously used datasets.
Tasks Continual Learning
Published 2019-06-03
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.00654v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.00654v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/190600654

Can Neural Networks Learn Symbolic Rewriting?

Title Can Neural Networks Learn Symbolic Rewriting?
Authors Bartosz Piotrowski, Josef Urban, Chad E. Brown, Cezary Kaliszyk
Abstract This work investigates if the current neural architectures are adequate for learning symbolic rewriting. Two kinds of data sets are proposed for this research – one based on automated proofs and the other being a synthetic set of polynomial terms. The experiments with use of the current neural machine translation models are performed and its results are discussed. Ideas for extending this line of research are proposed and its relevance is motivated.
Tasks Machine Translation
Published 2019-11-07
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.04873v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.04873v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/can-neural-networks-learn-symbolic-rewriting

Can Genetic Programming Do Manifold Learning Too?

Title Can Genetic Programming Do Manifold Learning Too?
Authors Andrew Lensen, Bing Xue, Mengjie Zhang
Abstract Exploratory data analysis is a fundamental aspect of knowledge discovery that aims to find the main characteristics of a dataset. Dimensionality reduction, such as manifold learning, is often used to reduce the number of features in a dataset to a manageable level for human interpretation. Despite this, most manifold learning techniques do not explain anything about the original features nor the true characteristics of a dataset. In this paper, we propose a genetic programming approach to manifold learning called GP-MaL which evolves functional mappings from a high-dimensional space to a lower dimensional space through the use of interpretable trees. We show that GP-MaL is competitive with existing manifold learning algorithms, while producing models that can be interpreted and re-used on unseen data. A number of promising future directions of research are found in the process.
Tasks Dimensionality Reduction
Published 2019-02-08
URL http://arxiv.org/abs/1902.02949v1
PDF http://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.02949v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/can-genetic-programming-do-manifold-learning

Attending to Emotional Narratives

Title Attending to Emotional Narratives
Authors Zhengxuan Wu, Xiyu Zhang, Tan Zhi-Xuan, Jamil Zaki, Desmond C. Ong
Abstract Attention mechanisms in deep neural networks have achieved excellent performance on sequence-prediction tasks. Here, we show that these recently-proposed attention-based mechanisms—in particular, the Transformer with its parallelizable self-attention layers, and the Memory Fusion Network with attention across modalities and time—also generalize well to multimodal time-series emotion recognition. Using a recently-introduced dataset of emotional autobiographical narratives, we adapt and apply these two attention mechanisms to predict emotional valence over time. Our models perform extremely well, in some cases reaching a performance comparable with human raters. We end with a discussion of the implications of attention mechanisms to affective computing.
Tasks Emotion Recognition, Time Series
Published 2019-07-08
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.04197v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.04197v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/attending-to-emotional-narratives

L-FGADMM: Layer-Wise Federated Group ADMM for Communication Efficient Decentralized Deep Learning

Title L-FGADMM: Layer-Wise Federated Group ADMM for Communication Efficient Decentralized Deep Learning
Authors Anis Elgabli, Jihong Park, Sabbir Ahmed, Mehdi Bennis
Abstract This article proposes a communication-efficient decentralized deep learning algorithm, coined layer-wise federated group ADMM (L-FGADMM). To minimize an empirical risk, every worker in L-FGADMM periodically communicates with two neighbors, in which the periods are separately adjusted for different layers of its deep neural network. A constrained optimization problem for this setting is formulated and solved using the stochastic version of GADMM proposed in our prior work. Numerical evaluations show that by less frequently exchanging the largest layer, L-FGADMM can significantly reduce the communication cost, without compromising the convergence speed. Surprisingly, despite less exchanged information and decentralized operations, intermittently skipping the largest layer consensus in L-FGADMM creates a regularizing effect, thereby achieving the test accuracy as high as federated learning (FL), a baseline method with the entire layer consensus by the aid of a central entity.
Published 2019-11-09
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.03654v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.03654v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/l-fgadmm-layer-wise-federated-group-admm-for

Clustering as an Evaluation Protocol for Knowledge Embedding Representation of Categorised Multi-relational Data in the Clinical Domain

Title Clustering as an Evaluation Protocol for Knowledge Embedding Representation of Categorised Multi-relational Data in the Clinical Domain
Authors Jianyu Liu, Hegler Tissot
Abstract Learning knowledge representation is an increasingly important technology applicable in many domain-specific machine learning problems. We discuss the effectiveness of traditional Link Prediction or Knowledge Graph Completion evaluation protocol when embedding knowledge representation for categorised multi-relational data in the clinical domain. Link prediction uses to split the data into training and evaluation subsets, leading to loss of information along training and harming the knowledge representation model accuracy. We propose a Clustering Evaluation Protocol as a replacement alternative to the traditionally used evaluation tasks. We used embedding models trained by a knowledge embedding approach which has been evaluated with clinical datasets. Experimental results with Pearson and Spearman correlations show strong evidence that the novel proposed evaluation protocol is pottentially able to replace link prediction.
Tasks Knowledge Graph Completion, Link Prediction
Published 2019-12-29
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.09473v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/2002.09473v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/clustering-as-an-evaluation-protocol-for

WikiCREM: A Large Unsupervised Corpus for Coreference Resolution

Title WikiCREM: A Large Unsupervised Corpus for Coreference Resolution
Authors Vid Kocijan, Oana-Maria Camburu, Ana-Maria Cretu, Yordan Yordanov, Phil Blunsom, Thomas Lukasiewicz
Abstract Pronoun resolution is a major area of natural language understanding. However, large-scale training sets are still scarce, since manually labelling data is costly. In this work, we introduce WikiCREM (Wikipedia CoREferences Masked) a large-scale, yet accurate dataset of pronoun disambiguation instances. We use a language-model-based approach for pronoun resolution in combination with our WikiCREM dataset. We compare a series of models on a collection of diverse and challenging coreference resolution problems, where we match or outperform previous state-of-the-art approaches on 6 out of 7 datasets, such as GAP, DPR, WNLI, PDP, WinoBias, and WinoGender. We release our model to be used off-the-shelf for solving pronoun disambiguation.
Tasks Coreference Resolution, Language Modelling
Published 2019-08-21
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1908.08025v3
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.08025v3.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/190808025

Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors

Title Making an Invisibility Cloak: Real World Adversarial Attacks on Object Detectors
Authors Zuxuan Wu, Ser-Nam Lim, Larry Davis, Tom Goldstein
Abstract We present a systematic study of adversarial attacks on state-of-the-art object detection frameworks. Using standard detection datasets, we train patterns that suppress the objectness scores produced by a range of commonly used detectors, and ensembles of detectors. Through extensive experiments, we benchmark the effectiveness of adversarially trained patches under both white-box and black-box settings, and quantify transferability of attacks between datasets, object classes, and detector models. Finally, we present a detailed study of physical world attacks using printed posters and wearable clothes, and rigorously quantify the performance of such attacks with different metrics.
Tasks Object Detection
Published 2019-10-31
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.14667v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.14667v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/making-an-invisibility-cloak-real-world

A Survey on Active Learning and Human-in-the-Loop Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis

Title A Survey on Active Learning and Human-in-the-Loop Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis
Authors Samuel Budd, Emma C Robinson, Bernhard Kainz
Abstract Fully automatic deep learning has become the state-of-the-art technique for many tasks including image acquisition, analysis and interpretation, and for the extraction of clinically useful information for computer-aided detection, diagnosis, treatment planning, intervention and therapy. However, the unique challenges posed by medical image analysis suggest that retaining a human end-user in any deep learning enabled system will be beneficial. In this review we investigate the role that humans might play in the development and deployment of deep learning enabled diagnostic applications and focus on techniques that will retain a significant input from a human end user. Human-in-the-Loop computing is an area that we see as increasingly important in future research due to the safety-critical nature of working in the medical domain. We evaluate four key areas that we consider vital for deep learning in the clinical practice: (1) Active Learning - to choose the best data to annotate for optimal model performance; (2) Interpretation and Refinement - using iterative feedback to steer models to optima for a given prediction and offering meaningful ways to interpret and respond to predictions; (3) Practical considerations - developing full scale applications and the key considerations that need to be made before deployment; (4) Related Areas - research fields that will benefit human-in-the-loop computing as they evolve. We offer our opinions on the most promising directions of research and how various aspects of each area might be unified towards common goals.
Tasks Active Learning
Published 2019-10-07
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.02923v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.02923v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/a-survey-on-active-learning-and-human-in-the

Unsupervised Domain Alignment to Mitigate Low Level Dataset Biases

Title Unsupervised Domain Alignment to Mitigate Low Level Dataset Biases
Authors Kirthi Shankar Sivamani
Abstract Dataset bias is a well-known problem in the field of computer vision. The presence of implicit bias in any image collection hinders a model trained and validated on a particular dataset to yield similar accuracies when tested on other datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel debiasing technique to reduce the effects of a biased training dataset. Our goal is to augment the training data using a generative network by learning a non-linear mapping from the source domain (training set) to the target domain (testing set) while retaining training set labels. The cycle consistency loss and adversarial loss for generative adversarial networks are used to learn the mapping. A structured similarity index (SSIM) loss is used to enforce label retention while augmenting the training set. Our methods and hypotheses are supported by quantitative comparisons with prior debiasing techniques. These comparisons showcase the superiority of our method and its potential to mitigate the effects of dataset bias during the inference stage.
Published 2019-07-08
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1907.03644v2
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1907.03644v2.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/unsupervised-domain-alignment-to-mitigate-low

NADS-Net: A Nimble Architecture for Driver and Seat Belt Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks

Title NADS-Net: A Nimble Architecture for Driver and Seat Belt Detection via Convolutional Neural Networks
Authors Sehyun Chun, Nima Hamidi Ghalehjegh, Joseph B. Choi, Chris W. Schwarz, John G. Gaspar, Daniel V. McGehee, Stephen S. Baek
Abstract A new convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture for 2D driver/passenger pose estimation and seat belt detection is proposed in this paper. The new architecture is more nimble and thus more suitable for in-vehicle monitoring tasks compared to other generic pose estimation algorithms. The new architecture, named NADS-Net, utilizes the feature pyramid network (FPN) backbone with multiple detection heads to achieve the optimal performance for driver/passenger state detection tasks. The new architecture is validated on a new data set containing video clips of 100 drivers in 50 driving sessions that are collected for this study. The detection performance is analyzed under different demographic, appearance, and illumination conditions. The results presented in this paper may provide meaningful insights for the autonomous driving research community and automotive industry for future algorithm development and data collection.
Tasks Autonomous Driving, Pose Estimation
Published 2019-10-08
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.03695v1
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.03695v1.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/nads-net-a-nimble-architecture-for-driver-and

SoildNet: Soiling Degradation Detection in Autonomous Driving

Title SoildNet: Soiling Degradation Detection in Autonomous Driving
Authors Arindam Das
Abstract In the field of autonomous driving, camera sensors are extremely prone to soiling because they are located outside of the car and interact with environmental sources of soiling such as rain drops, snow, dust, sand, mud and so on. This can lead to either partial or complete vision degradation. Hence detecting such decay in vision is very important for safety and overall to preserve the functionality of the “autonomous” components in autonomous driving. The contribution of this work involves: 1) Designing a Deep Convolutional Neural Network (DCNN) based baseline network, 2) Exploiting several network remodelling techniques such as employing static and dynamic group convolution, channel reordering to compress the baseline architecture and make it suitable for low power embedded systems with nearly 1 TOPS, 3) Comparing various result metrics of all interim networks dedicated for soiling degradation detection at tile level of size 64 x 64 on input resolution 1280 x 768. The compressed network, is called SoildNet (Sand, snOw, raIn/dIrt, oiL, Dust/muD) that uses only 9.72% trainable parameters of the base network and reduces the model size by more than 7 times with no loss in accuracy
Tasks Autonomous Driving
Published 2019-11-04
URL https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.01054v2
PDF https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.01054v2.pdf
PWC https://paperswithcode.com/paper/soildnet-soiling-degradation-detection-in
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